Good News...
I finally received a letter of (initial) affirmative decision on my annulment with the Catholic Church. An automatic re-review by the Appellate Court is under way, but I'm half way there.
"There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy, because..."
Radley Balko and Hit & Run both have pointers to a lovely WaPo article about the police in Fairfax County shooting an unarmed, apparently cooperative suspect in the chest with a .45. Not surprisingly, the suspect died.
There’s a lot of commentary to be had about this issue, and the nice folks at Hit & Run are doing a bang-up job of picking what Mr. Walker and Mr. Balko didn’t cover. A partial list of possible fun topics for discussion:
I could probably keep going with a little bit of thought, but why? I am saddened that some guy got a whole blown through his chest. Am I terribly surprised? No. We moved to Fairfax County when I was 9. I lived there until I joined the Army and for a little while after I got out. My father and sister still live there. As a result, I sometimes make the joke that my ethnicity is "white boy from the ‘burbs". I have a pretty good understanding of Fairfax County.
Fairfax County is classic American suburban statism at its ugliest. If it will protect the children or property values, they’re all for it. Justifying the absurd of amount of tax revenue the county sucks up is always pretty high on the list, too. The concept of limited government never occurs to anyone there, and the level of cognitive dissonance going on is staggering. The residents want the government to do everything except inconvenience them.
The really sad thing about the incident is that it won’t change anything. The only people that are going to give a rat’s ass are Mr. Culosi’s family and friends. The rest of the people that live in Fairfax County are fine with the police doing this shit. At least, until the SWAT team shows up at their front door because mommy and daddy’s little darling was dealing weed out of the basement rec room. Me, I’m thinking you shouldn’t get too pissed off about the police coming after you when you kept telling them to go after your neighbors. Sooner or later, you’re somebody’s neighbor.So, like all good obsessive bloggers, I check my referral logs. Since I'm too lazy to implement trackback or any other spiffy features, it's pretty much the only way I find out who links to me. I suppose I could check Technorati once in a while...
Anyhow, I've been getting lots of hits lately from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. My only response to this, much like many other things in life, is: huh? What on earth in our lovely internet home could possibly be of interest to Norwegian college students? If Norwegian college students are like American ones, the primary interests are drinking and sex. We don't cover much of either here.
Shit, it's not like I blog about work, which is the only connection I have with Norway and/or Norwegians. I didn't have anything to do with the last Statoil project and it's been years since I dealt with Norsk Hydro. All things considered, I can't possibly imagine why Norwegians would read YPS. I hope y'all aren't coming here for insight into how Americans think, because damn few think like we do.
All I really know about Norway is that it's cold and Scando. I don't study up on the cold places much, because I hate cold. It's a balmy 79 degrees here today, and that's just how I like it. ( That's 26 degrees for you Celsius types.) Compare that to the current 32 degrees in Stavanger and Trondheim. (0 in Celsius) Screw that noise. That's cold. Y'all should move someplace warm, unless you actually like the cold. In which case, you're insane. Thanks for stopping by anyway.