
More Elected Asshats

Back when I wrote my representative, HR 1022 had no co-sponsors. In the meantime, it's picked up quite a few. 33 congresscritters have signed on to restrict your constitutional rights, to be precise. We all know now that the rules are apparently different for said congresscritters. To be fair, that was a senatorial-type critter, but the principle holds. I can't see why I should vote for a congresscritter that wants to remove my rights while granting themselves special privileges. Can you? Well, if one of the following people represents you, you might drop them a line informing them of your opinion.

Rep Ackerman, Gary L. [NY-5]
Rep Berman, Howard L. [CA-28]
Rep Capps, Lois [CA-23]
Rep Clay, Wm. Lacy [MO-1]
Rep Crowley, Joseph [NY-7]
Rep DeGette, Diana [CO-1]
Rep Delahunt, William D. [MA-10]
Rep Eshoo, Anna G. [CA-14]
Rep Fattah, Chaka [PA-2]
Rep Filner, Bob [CA-51]
Rep Frank, Barney [MA-4]
Rep Grijalva, Raul M. [AZ-7]
Rep Hirono, Mazie K. [HI-2]
Rep Jackson-Lee, Sheila [TX-18]
Rep Kennedy, Patrick J. [RI-1]
Rep Lofgren, Zoe [CA-16]
Rep Lowey, Nita M. [NY-18]
Rep Maloney, Carolyn B. [NY-14]
Rep Markey, Edward J. [MA-7]
Rep McGovern, James P. [MA-3]
Rep Meehan, Martin T. [MA-5]
Rep Miller, Brad [NC-13]
Rep Moran, James P. [VA-8]
Rep Pascrell, Bill, Jr. [NJ-8]
Rep Pastor, Ed [AZ-4]
Rep Schakowsky, Janice D. [IL-9]
Rep Schiff, Adam B. [CA-29]
Rep Sherman, Brad [CA-27]
Rep Slaughter, Louise McIntosh [NY-28]
Rep Tauscher, Ellen O. [CA-10]
Rep Van Hollen, Chris [MD-8]
Rep Wasserman Schultz, Debbie [FL-20]
Rep Wexler, Robert [FL-19]

I note my representative isn't on the list, but he's been a little preoccupied lately. We'll see what happens when he recovers.

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