Pink Pride
Who is running for CD22 at this point, anyways? She who must not be named, Olson, Talton, & Manlove are the declared candidates I'm aware of on the efenant side. I assume Nick Lampson wants to keep his job, although I really don't see that happening. I'm probably missing some, since the continuing CD22 debacle has brought out one of the biggest collections of bottom-feeders I've seen outside of a catfish farm. At this point, I have no real suggestions for your primary vote. If I had to pick from this dismal bunch, it'd probably be Manlove or Olson. Personal history prevents me from voting for Talton. We hashed out the failures of Her Royal Pinkness before, so I see no need to go over that again. Manlove seems reasonably competent and less obviously corrupt than most other Pasadena mayors. I don't know squat about him other than that. I know even less about Olson, except that his campaign mailers are easy to mock in the brief interval between mailbox and trash can.
Meh. Maybe somebody else will be on the ballot for the primary. If not, it may be a disheartening general election for the efenants among you.
Update: Dean Hrbacek is also running, for whatever that's worth.
Labels: politics
OMG! Steroids!
So in no particular order, here's what I think:
Who cares? Jocks took drugs and this matters to who, exactly?
When your multi-million dollar paycheck depends on athletic performance and there are known and verifiable substances to improve said performance and your job doesn't test for them, why wouldn't you use them? Because you don't like getting more money?
Don't ever answer a question posed to you by an agent of the federal government lest you get the answer wrong and subsequently are charged with perjury.
Seriously, don't you people have something better to worry about?
Finally, wouldn't it just be easier to list the guys who didn't admit to steroid use?
Mittens the Religious
So, Mittens Romney, the efenant contender, gave a speech today about his religion and how it impacts his run for the presidency. Apparently, some in the Romney apparatus feel the specter of Mormonism is the sole factor keeping people from voting for Mittens. This implies a level of cluelessness on the part of Romney’s people that doesn’t bode well for his campaign.
Sub-prime Meltdown Madness
So now Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson thinks the fed needs to step in and solve the looming foreclosure crisis. I have a better suggestion for Sec. Paulson: step way the hell back and eat a bowl of dicks. Then, after you’re done choking down your Cock-Ups, STFU and keep track of dollar bills or something equally as pointless and more importantly, harmless.
Labels: politics
Marketing Advice
Labels: snark
Reason I Don't Answer My Phone
Every time I do, and I don’t know precisely who is calling, I get bitten.
I’m expecting a call from an unknown number, so I answer.
Who do I get?
Her Royal F*cking Pinkness.
I use the not endorsing anyone b/c I’m moving excuse.
F*cking cow.
RIP Evel Knievel
Having spent the younger portion of my childhood in the 70s, it was absolutely necessary to have some sort of Evel Knievel paraphernalia. Well, it was if you were male, anyway. I recall having one of the toys driven by cheap plastic gears where you would either strip the gears or distort the housing enough to let the gears disengage in an attempt to get greater speed from your toy. In fact, it was similar to the one pictured prominently here.
Labels: death comes ripping